
IWGB statement on the partnership between GMB Union and UberEats riders

Thu, Aug 1, 2024, 4:23 PM

UberEats couriers are some of the most exploited workers in society, with constantly falling pay, unsafe conditions, and a lack of basic workers rights. As all trade unionists are aware, the only way to properly challenge this mistreatment of workers is by organising and building industrial strength to challenge the greed and neglect of multi-millionaire bosses.

In 2021, Uber signed a partnership agreement with the GMB Union, describing the deal as a “landmark”, yet since then drivers have faced constantly deteriorating pay and conditions. These kinds of partnership deals between businesses have done nothing except provide political cover for exploitative bosses, allowing them to dodge questions about abysmal working conditions by citing hollow meetings and ongoing dialogues that don’t result in meaningful change.

Recognition in itself is meaningless unless it is backed up by organisation, direct action and industrial strength needed to force through vital material improvements. As it stands, the gig economy is home to some of the worst labour abuses in the country, left unchecked by the government, with companies attempting to shield themselves from scrutiny and regulation through cynical backroom deals and PR stunts.

The IWGB is a union founded by and led by workers, with a proud history of wins forged by our members that have resulted in long lasting real change. We will continue to build real worker power and fight for material change for precarious workers everywhere.

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