Drivers working for apps like Uber, Bolt and Addison Lee are at a breaking point. Poverty pay, high car rents, brutally long hours to try and ends meet and the threat of unfair deactivation hanging over our heads are having a devastating financial, physical and mental impact on us and our families. Drivers’ lives are being torn apart by these companies in their endless pursuit of profit.
But without drivers, these companies are nothing but apps. Our work is what makes their profits.
That is why in November last year a group of IWGB drivers came together and voted to call a log off on Valentine’s Day, Friday 14th February, a busy night for drivers and a strategically important moment to maximise impact. It is the perfect opportunity to bring drivers together, flex our collective strength and to send a strong message to these bloodsucking apps.
We publicly announced our log off plans in December 2024. Since then, posters have gone up in driver hotspots around the country, hundreds of drivers have joined a team to give out leaflets, and thousands have pledged to switch off their apps on Valentines Day. It has been inspiring to see this action spread like wildfire across the country, with more and more local groups, organisations and associations in cities around the UK endorsing the log off.
We know the companies we are up against are powerful, and that the only way to force them to improve conditions for all drivers is to use our strength in numbers. It is integral to show maximum unity at this time, by coming together in our masses, across every different driver organisation, to hit companies like Uber, Bolt, Addison Lee and FREENOW when they are at their most vulnerable.
For a long time, faith in unionising and collective action amongst private hire drivers has been low - something that has not been helped by some of the behaviour of unions in the sector. Despite wins such as the introduction of holiday pay on some apps, drivers have seen pay and conditions decline rapidly. This has led to many drivers losing hope in the idea that collectivising through unions can be a solution to the current situation.
However, since announcing the log-off on Valentines Day we’ve seen drivers coming together with a new energy and commitment to this driver-led movement, and a belief that a better industry is possible through taking collective action.
We are aware of other actions being organised by groups on different days next week. It is incredible to see so many drivers taking action to make our voices heard, but in order to maximise our impact, we need to stay united and coordinated in the face of gig economy giants like Uber.
That is why we are calling on all unions, groups and associations to join us on the 14th February in striking from 4pm-10pm. This action is bigger than any one organisation - this is about the working conditions and lives of every private hire driver in the country, and if we are to stand any chance of winning, we must be united.
See you on the 14th February.
© Independent Workers Union of Great Britain 2025
Designed and built at the IWGB with love, care and coffee. Hasta la victoria siempre.