
Union structure

The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain is a registered independent trade union. You can find us listed on the Certification Officer website. Contact office@iwgb.co.uk with any questions.


Every member of the Union is a member of a branch. Each branch has a committee, monthly members’ meetings and an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Take a look at the Branches tab of the website to see all the branches of the IWGB.

Branch constitution: Every branch is governed by a constitution that covers eligibility for membership, branch committee positions, and the powers of branch meetings and AGMs. Ask your branch secretary if you would like to see a copy.

Branch committees: Branch committees are directly elected by the members of the branch. The committee meets regularly to discuss branch business. Every branch has a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Women’s Officer and BAME Officer. Branches can also vote to introduce other positions, like a Comms Officer or regional officials.

Workplace representatives: As well as the branch committee, members are also represented in their workplace by elected workplace reps.

Branch meetings: Each branch holds monthly meetings for branch members. Some branches organise these by regional groups. Branch meetings are open to all members, and every member has equal rights to voice and vote. Motions can be proposed and seconded by branch members at any quorate branch meeting. Decisions taken at the meeting become branch policy.

Branch AGMs: The branch AGMs are held each year, usually in April. Branch AGMs are open to all branch members. At the branch AGM, members vote on changes to the branch’s constitution or on any motions. Members also elect a new branch committee and delegates to represent the branch at the union-wide AGM. Contested elections for positions that are on the Executive Committee have to go to a postal ballot.

Annual General Meeting

Each year there is a union-wide AGM, which happens soon after the branch AGMs. The AGM is attended by the branch delegates elected at branch AGMs and everyone who sits on the Executive Committee. The AGM elects new central union officials and votes on motions that determine union policy. If an election is contested, then it must go to an all-member postal ballot.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for the organisation and administration of the union. The Executive Committee is made up of people elected to the eight central union positions as well as representatives from branches.

These are the eight central union positions on the Executive Committee:

  • General Secretary
  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Women’s Officer
  • BAME Officer
  • BAME Officer (reserved for women or non-binary members)
  • Branch Support Officer

Every branch is represented by their Chair, as well as their Secretary and even another committee member for larger branches.


Sub-committees meet regularly to manage specific aspects of the Union’s operations. Sub-committees are made up of elected members of the Executive Committee, and their authority is delegated from the Executive Committee. These are the current sub-committees:

  • Disciplinary Sub-committee
  • Democracy Sub-committee
  • HR Sub-committee
  • Legal Department Sub-committee
  • Covid-19 Sub-committee
  • Equalities Sub-committee


The union is governed by our Constitution which covers everything from Legal Department policies to the union’s finances. See the complete rule book.


The IWGB has a team of staff members. IWGB staff work in four departments:

  • Organising and Branch Support
  • Legal Department
  • HR and Operations
  • Media and Communications

Please note that this page is not a constitutional document. It is an informal overview of the union’s structures. The complete rule book is available here.

© Independent Workers Union of Great Britain 2025

Designed and built at the IWGB with love, care and coffee. Hasta la victoria siempre.

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