

If you would like to submit a complaint to the IWGB or find out more about the process, please email complaints@iwgb.co.uk. The union's complaints procedure is detailed below. Please see the Rule Book for more information.

Complaints procedure

A complaint is submitted to the Central Union about the conduct of a union member or official;

  1. The complaint is allocated to one of the Union’s qualified investigators (Qualified investigators are either members of staff or members of the Executive Committee who have completed the requisite training);
  2. The investigator will investigate the complaint, speak to the relevant people, hold a hearing if need be, and then take a decision to either:
    a. Uphold the complaint as well-founded;
    b. Partially uphold the complaint; or
    c. Reject the complaint.
  3. If the complaint is upheld or partially upheld the investigator will also make a recommendation on how to proceed. If the recommendation is for the Executive Committee to commence Article 11 disciplinary procedures then the recommendation will be sent to the Executive Committee for its approval.

If the complainant is unhappy with the outcome they can appeal. The appeal will be heard by another qualified investigator who will follow the same process.


a) A member who has been the subject of an investigation under Article 11 and who is dissatisfied with the decision may appeal. If the member wishes to appeal the outcome of the proceedings, they should do so within 5 working days of receiving the outcome. The appeal shall be sent to the Disciplinary Sub-Committee.

b) The Disciplinary Sub-Committee shall appoint an appeals panel of 3 Qualified Investigators to hear any appeal, and the same time limits as for the initial proceedings shall apply.

c) The appeals panel may affirm or reverse the original decision and may substitute one or more of the penalties prescribed in Article 11 for all or any of the penalties imposed by the original decision.

d) A decision of the appeals panel shall be final and conclusive.

© Independent Workers Union of Great Britain 2025

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