
IWGB Statement on Far Right Violence

mar, 6 ago 2024, 7:52

The IWGB condemns in the strongest possible terms the wave of far-right, fascist viole-nce that has swept across the UK in recent days.

This violence is driven by hatred, racism and Islamophobia. The notion that it has arisen from “legitimate concerns” around immigration is not only wrong and offensive, but also deeply irresponsible, putting millions of people at risk.

These attacks take place in the context of decades of structural racism ingrained in all aspects of society, oppressing people of colour through systems of institutionally racist policing, two-tier employment which keeps racialised workers in poverty, and the scourge of imperialism which has ravaged economies across the globe.

One look at the rhetoric used by politicians in recent years makes it blatantly clear that the seeds for this violence were sown by those at the top. For years we have seen the demonisation of migrants and racialised people by our political class and the media, fanning the flames of hatred by scapegoating Muslims, asylum seekers and migrants to distract from their own failures. This has come from across the political spectrum, with both major political parties pandering to far-right extremism and contributing to the normalisation of racism and Islamophobia.

These attempts to divide and incite hatred amongst our communities have been ignored by the majority of people, who know their neighbours are not to blame for the issues facing the UK today. Up and down the country people of all backgrounds are uniting to heal and support each other in the aftermath of the violence inflicted on them. We know our communities are only made stronger by our diversity, and will stand with our neighbours whatever they look like and whatever religion they follow.

Our main priority at this time is the safety of our members. Many of our members are migrants and racialised workers who experience racism on a day-to-day basis, and are now highly at risk.

People are afraid to go out in public, to send their children to school or to go to work. Workers in the gig economy, a majority racialised workforce who do not enjoy the same rights that regular employees do, are being forced to make the impossible decision of going out to work in dangerous areas and becoming a target of violence, or forfeiting the income they need to pay their bills and feed their families.

What is being done to protect private hire drivers and delivery drivers who are easily identifiable targets? Further police crackdowns are not the answer - this solution offers little comfort to the people who have experienced racism, harassment and violence at the hands of law enforcement. It is vital that the government, councils and gig economy employers financially support these workers so that they are able to stay safe as violence engulfs our communities.

Our union was founded by migrant workers, and since its inception has stood firmly against oppression whenever it has reared its ugly head. It is the responsibility of all those who are part of the labour movement to unite and collectively condemn and resist the abhorrent attacks from the far-right. We encourage members to reach out to mosques and local groups organising and resisting the far right at this time, and to do so with each other’s safety as a priority. We are the majority - we must remain vigilant, keep each other safe, and raise our voices in opposition to hatred and violence.

Ali*, a delivery rider who works in Rochdale, says: “After seeing the violent attacks that have taken place over the last few days, I don’t feel safe going out to work anymore. Because of the colour of my skin, because of my chosen faith, I’m terrified to leave my house, knowing I could be targeted by thugs and put in harm’s way. I feel like I have no choice but to stay at home with my family and sacrifice my income in favour of our safety.

When we were unable to work during the pandemic, many workers had access to the Furlough Scheme or the Self Employed Income Support scheme to help us stay safe. Right now our safety is once again at risk. The government and gig platforms have a duty to protect us from harm.”

*the driver’s name has been changed to protect their safety.


Contact Jake Thomas on +44 7446 625784 or Ellie Butcher on +44 7883 887613 or email press@iwgb.co.uk

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© Sindicato de Trabajadores Independientes de Gran Bretaña 2024

Diseñado y construido en la IWGB con amor, cuidado y café. Hasta la victoria siempre.
