
5 Hertford Street concedes to demands - IWGB suspends strikes pending consultation

mié, 11 dic 2019, 11:22
  • Union wins London Living Wage and concessions on sick pay and negotiations
  • Union will proceed with an application for statutory recognition with the Central Arbitration Committee

11 December: The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain  (IWGB) has called off strikes planned for today and tomorrow at 5  Hertford Street, as it consults members following an offer from the  club.

5 Hertford Street has offered its kitchen porters the London Living  Wage from January 2020, 5 days sick pay, and regular quarterly  consultations with the union on terms and conditions.

While the IWGB welcomes the introduction of the London Living Wage of  £10.75 as a huge improvement to the paltry £8.65 per hour the club was  paying prior to the launch of the union’s campaign in May, the offer  still falls short of a decent contractual sick pay package and a proper  collective bargaining agreement.

Consequently, the union is going forward with an application for  statutory union recognition with the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC)  and looks forward to seeing 5 Hertford Street representatives at the  tribunal.

For more information:


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© Sindicato de Trabajadores Independientes de Gran Bretaña 2024

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